Laurel Canyon Music

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The Wren & The Salt Air - Jenny Sturgeon

It's all very exciting at the moment as the Scottish Folk world is producing some excellent singer-songwriters. Our LCM featured artist Jenny Sturgeon is one of the new group to emerge, grow and flourish. Jenny plays in a duo with Jonny Hardie (Old Blind Dogs, Clype), and with Lauren MacColl and Ewan MacPherson in the critically acclaimed band Salt House. Our LCM #TrackOfTheDay is something quite special, it was created as part of commission by The National Trust For Scotland to celebrate 30 years of St.Kilda become a world heritage site for nature. The title track 'The Wren & The Salt Air' is a wonderful composition featuring the bird song of the very rare St. Kilda wren. The four track EP was released in February. It features the sounds of local birdlife and really atmospheric almost haunting arrangements, fiddles and vocals. It feels like you are being transported in song to the magical and mystical St. Kilda.....It's an EP that is well worth checking out.

Jenny Sturgeon is a singer-songwriter who brings together the old and new with a rare skill. The inspiration for Jenny's lyrics comes from folklore, historical events and personal experience, and having trained as a biologist her enthusiasm for nature creeps into all her work. Jenny sings with a confidence and warmth that endears her to listeners far beyond her native Aberdeenshire. Alongside beautiful interpretations of traditional song, Jenny writes and performs her own songs with a strong traditional feel delighting audiences wherever she sings In addition to touring her new album 'From The Skein', Jenny is involved in several projects including working as a songwriting workshop tutor, writing songs and tunes and collaborating with Aberdeen based artist and fabric designer Helen Ruth.

In 2015/16 year Jenny coordinated a songwriting project in conjunction with FitLike Records called 'Even in Winter', for which female musicians from different genres wrote songs inspired by the women of Aberdeen.