Laurel Canyon Music

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Fairground Saints - California

LCM Song Of The Day: ‘California’ - Fairground Saints

This week we will be showcasing a few of the very impressive fast-rising new stars of the recent C2C festival in London. First up is California born but now Nashville based trio Fairground Saints. Their unique Californian ‘Laurel Canyon’ country sound, layered three-part harmonies and solid musicianship are impressive beyond their years. As a perfect introduction our featured track today is a wonderful ode to their home state, which taken from their very recently released five track ‘Magic’ EP.

With each member sharing songwriting duties, Mason Van Valin and Elijah Edwards impart a starkly literate, sometimes-gritty sense of introspection informed by artists like Bob Dylan and Jim Messina, while their fellow vocalist Megan McAllister lends a soulful vulnerability and gutsy intimacy inspired by everyone from Shania Twain to Stevie Nicks. “We each bring in our own different elements, but what connects us is the level of honesty that we go for in our songs,” comments Megan. And in achieving that honesty, Fairground Saints infuse their music with intense emotional power. “All of us in the band believe in being as real as possible with our music, and not shying away from wherever a song is trying to take us,” Mason adds.

Fairground Saints’ easy chemistry and a shared sensibility feels beamed in from the golden era of singer-songwriters.

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