neon blue
Innovation can be defined as 'to make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, processes or products'. It is also the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulated or existing market needs.
The music industry is rapidly changing and the new 21st Century business model is continually developing. Neon Blue has been designed to help and support independent artists in their careers. The 'Do It With Others' (DIWO) model is increasingly becoming more popular and effective and is often replacing the existing 'Do It Yourself' (DIY) models.
Independent musicians today have to be multi-tasking, multi-skilled and resourceful to compete with their major label musicians counterparts. But through working together as a group, being organised and having the right skills and tools available, they can have a huge advantage over the vast majority of musicians in the market. Whether you are preparing to be 'label ready' or become more effective on the business side of music... Neon Blue can help.
Laurel Canyon Music Copyright (c) 2015