Laurel Canyon Music

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Walking On Fire - Lowes

We have been following very closely the progress of our next great LCM featured band LOWES since the autumn of 2016. We are delighted that they have recently released their debut four-track EP entitled 'Elements'. It's a follow up to their wonderful and critically acclaimed first single 'Awake At Night'. Our LCM #SongOfTheDay is the excellent 'new single "Walking On Fire" taken from the new EP, complete with a beautiful video filmed in Norway. We rate this band very highly and LOWES are one of our LCM 'Ones To Watch' in 2018.

Lowes are based in Lancaster and feature Evie Plumb, Jamie Walker, Luke Paget and Oliver Kane. We love Evie's vocals and songwriting. The band's vibe and sound reminds us of a cross between Rae Morris, Sia, London Grammar and Kate Bush. Let us know what you think?